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Birstall and District Art Society

Members Annual Exhibition 2023


These are the Guidance notes for our 28th Annual Exhibition, which will take place over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 4th & 5th November. 

The Preview Evening, which is for Members and Invited Guests only, will be on Friday, 3rd November.

Please read the notes carefully, so that you enter your painting in the correct category. You will need to send in a Submission Slip.

The cost of submitting an individual painting will be £5, regardless of size, but we do need to know the dimension of your painting in order to decide where it will be hung. 

Mounted originals will be £3 per submission. The deadline for entries is Friday, 29th September.

Copies of the entry details and form, have been emailed to all members  and copies will also be available at the Wednesday and Friday morning sessions and at the Demonstration Evenings, for Members that are not able to print their own copy.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me by email



​Timetable for Entries


There are a number of things that help will be required with for the Exhibition to run. Rotas will be available at the Wednesday & Friday sessions and Demonstration evenings, with various tasks listed. Please add your name to a list to do some of these tasks.

 Entry forms to be submitted by Friday, 30th September.

Exhibitors are asked to bring their paintings to the Village Hall, School Lane, Birstall on Friday 3rd November at these specific times: -


Surnames A to L between 3:30 and 4:00pm; surnames M to Z between 4:00 and 4:30pm.

The receiving tables will be closed after these times.


The Preview Evening for Members and Invited Guests is on Friday 3rd November and the exhibition runs from Saturday 4th November to Sunday 5th November. Please arrive no earlier than 7.30pm at the Preview Evening, to allow our Judges time to assess the exhibits.


On Sunday 5th November.

Sold pictures are to be collected by the purchasers no earlier than 4.00pm. Please collect unsold pictures no earlier than 4.30pm. If you cannot collect your paintings, please arrange for someone else to do so.



Information for Entries


You may submit up to four framed pictures, but each one must show your priority rating ‘A', 'B', 'C' or ‘D’. Pictures labelled 'A' and ‘B’ will get the most prominent position, 'C' will be less prominent, and 'D' will be hung if there is room to do so.


Categories of Paintings


The categories that may be painted in any medium are:


  1. Still Life / Abstract & Experimental / Flowers (Mary Houghton Rose Bowl)

  2. Townscape / Waterscape / Coastal

  3. Portraits / Figures / Animals

  4. Landscape / Gardens


You will need to decide in which category you wish your painting to be judged and indicate this on the submission slip. This will make it easier for the judges.


The judges’ choice in each category will be awarded a monetary prize and their collective choice of the most accomplished painting overall will also receive the 'Norman Sims Trophy'. There will also be a ‘Highly Commended’ in each category.


There will be a prize for the visitors’ choice of ‘Best in Show’.






​All framed pictures must be furnished with a tight cord attached to D rings, position a third of the way down, as shown on the sketch. Pictures not conforming will not be hung. Glass should be clean and polished.











Please attach a label to the back of your picture with the following information.






  5. CATEGORY FOR JUDGING – 1, 2, 3, or 4


​Picture titles on framed pictures should be as short as possible as these titles must fit into a limited space in the Catalogue and on labels. Any pictures already sold cannot be accepted for showing. Paintings not for sale should be marked ‘N.F.S’.


Members must remove all their wrappings after delivering their entries.


Mounted entries should be wrapped tidily in transparent cellophane film. A label should be affixed to the front on the top of the film showing the picture title, artist’s name, medium and price.




Chairman's Exhibition Notes


Paintings submitted are for sale to the general public and we have a duty to ensure that the framing is satisfactory. Poor framing can disappoint the Purchaser and harm the reputation of the Society.


We should ensure that:-


  • The framed painting should have no upstands or protrusions such as screw eyes on the back. This is to prevent damage to other works.

  • Sellotape or masking tape sealing the back is not acceptable. Only Brown Gum Strip or Framers Self-adhesive Tape should be used to seal the backing board.

  • Badly framed work will be rejected.

  • Clip Frames / Photo frames will not be accepted.





The Society for All Artists (SAA), to which we are affiliated, gives us legal advice regarding Copyright. They say:


If you copy a picture in a magazine or newspaper or on the Internet, you infringe the copyright of the person to whom it belongs the moment you either:


  • use it in a competition

  • exhibit it without permission

  • offer it for sale as your own work.


The British Copyright Society - Adviser of their Copy Licensing Agency – said:


Written permission must be obtained before offering any copied pictures for sale or exhibition. Whether or not for sale, it must always be attributed. If this is not done, you break the law.


Therefore, in general terms, if you cannot find the author of the work you may have copied, do not exhibit or sell it.


It is not advisable for an Art Society to do this, which is why we do not exhibit copies of any description. Please bear this in mind when submitting your pictures for our Exhibition.


The onus is on the Artist to ensure that their picture does not contravene Copyright Law. The Society cannot take responsibility for any infringement.

Meg Grant



Stringing for Exhibition Pictures.jpg
Exhibition Entry 2023.jpg
Exhibition Entry Form
Click Here for PDF version
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