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The Sketching Group get togethers

BADAS Summer Sketching Group
This proved very popular last year and it would be lovely to see
even more regular participants this year.

We are planning to visit a wide range of venues and places around Leicester and Leicestershire.
There should always be plenty to Sketch or Paint as you wish.
You will be most welcome - Please read on

Sessions usually last about 2 hours and usually end with a coffee.
Details will be posted on the 
"BADAS Sketching Venues" - WhatsApp group 

You will need to have the "WhatsApp" app
on your mobile phone
 you need to join the
BADAS Sketching Venues group

Please note
As outdoor work can be so weather dependent,
it has been decided that the  "WhatsApp Group" above is
dedicated to visit information only.

Please also note that
 meeting details will not be on the website 

 (as some decisions are made at short notice) 

The app will be used each week with Venue , times to meet,
and any last minute changes.
When you get the message with venue details

could you please reply with a simple
Yes (if you are going to go)
(if you will not be there)
and then everyone will know if they may be on their own
or with friends.

"BADAS Chats" - WhatsApp group will just be used for
social conversations only
(points of interest, pictures, poorlies,
 birthdays etc.)


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