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Birstall and District Art Society

Autumn Art Classes

Monday mornings – 10:00am to 12:30pm

Wanlip Village Hall, Church Road, Wanlip, LE7 4PJ

Details for the first three sessions: 16th, 23rd, & 30th September

Charlotte Stephenson will be taking these classes.



I will provide a photo, although you may choose to bring your own as a basic starting point. If you do bring your own, please do not use a photo of a painting. I think it is interesting to work from the same source as the end results can be so different and exciting.


A support e.g. canvas, thick watercolour paper. wallpaper lining. Thick card primed, mount board or hardboard. I shall use a square format you choose your preferred size for working. Easier to decide when you have the photo as you can decide what to leave in or out It is only a starting point .

Acrylic paints including white

Any inks you may have

Oil pastels, chalk pastels pencils, markers, charcoal, etc. Anything you have. Don't buy if you don't have, we can share.

Black Indian ink.

scissors or craft knife

A roller can be useful

Brushes a 1-inch or 2-inch flat is useful.

PVA glue plus an old brush for the glue

Paper towels

water pots


A selection of collage items. e.g. papers, string. Magazines, buttons, scrap materials found objects, stencils. THINK NAUTICAL.! we can share. Anything goes.

Bring anything you want or can carry or limit your materials to how they work for you.

I hope at the end of the 3 sessions we can achieve a finished picture. From past experiences some really exciting and individual styles have been produced by breaking the rules and looking beyond the normal and working in an inspirational way.


Harbour example.jpg
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